Reasons Why Skunks Have White Stripes?

All skunks are known for their white and black fur. Nonetheless, they will still have a distinct pattern. Not all of them will be stripes. Some of the skunk’s species will have a spot pattern. These patterns are not just random display and style. They fulfil specific function that is essential for the survival of the Elizabeth skunk. Based on an analysis of report that involves at least 200 animals, they discovered that bold colors are more noticeable to aggressive animals compared to animals that prefer peace.

Understanding Why Skunks Have Stripes
You might not be aware about the fact that baby skunks will have the distinct stripes the minute they were born while it may not be that obvious since they will appear naked. Based on the report of the Missouri Department of Conversation, while newborn skunks will have no hair, the stripes are already prominent that play specific roles. Here are some of the function of the stipes of the skunks.

To Keep Them Safe from the Predator
Warning coloration is common in the wild. Insects and animals that have bold colors are usually avoided by the predators. Usually, bright colors are signs that they are carriers of poisons. The stripe of the skunk has been proven effective for the skunk. Since the spray of the skunk is also limited, they do not want to immediately use it. Their stripes are helpful in preventing their spray from being depleted.

For Self Defense
The self defense of animals in the wild can work in varying terms. The stripe of the skunk can be used to warn the predators that they are animals that carry a potent spray that can cause them temporary blindness. The spray that they will release is extremely repulsive. In fact, the victim can suffer from trauma once they have been sprayed by the New Jersey skunk. Their stripes can warn the attackers that if they attack them, they can experience how suffocating their spray is.

The Size and Pattern of the Stripes
Skunks will have a unique stripe pattern. There are some Elizabeth skunks that will have a thicker stripe while some may be thinner. The length of the stripes may also differ. Even the siblings will have different patterns. The skunk will usually have 5 or 6 siblings that have different stripes. Most of the skunk will have a coat that is pitch black. The stripes on their faces can run on their forehead and above their nose. The stripe will start from the triangular shape found in the skunk’s head. This will then divide into different stripes that will eventually unite on the foundation of the tails.

While most skunks can survive in the wild with the help of their stripes, they can also thrive in the urban areas. Their scavenging habit can cause serious problems to homeowners. They can create burrows on the space below our house and can destroy our lawns. The best way to remove them from your house is to use a cage trap. However, you should still be careful when releasing them. If you are afraid of their spray, you should allow the wildlife control department to deal with them.

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